Our History

Racially motivated fights and disturbances at Cole Harbour High School in Dartmouth sparks nation-wide attention and debate on the issue of racism in the Nova Scotia education system.
An ad hoc delegation of Black Educators, community leaders and organizational representatives convene meetings to discuss racism in the Nova Scotia education system with members of government under the leadership of the late Mr. Delmore (Buddy) Daye.
Discussions and negotiations between the ad hoc delegation and the government of Nova Scotia culminates in the formation of the Black Learners Advisory Committee (BLAC).
This ten member task force is mandated to conduct a review of both the past and present status of education of African Nova Scotians, to make recommendations for improvements to the education system, and to identify strategies to meet the educational needs of all African Nova Scotians.
The BLAC implements the Regional Educators Program – a province-wide network and team of community-based education development workers with a mandate to facilitate the collection of demographic and other data for the BLAC study.
December: The Black Learners Advisory Committee releases The BLAC Report on Education – Redressing Inequity, Empowering Black Learners. The three-volume report contains 46 recommendations to Government.
June: The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Culture releases The Response to the BLAC Report on Education. The twelve-page response outlines the department’s intended actions to implement the BLAC recommendations.
December: The Regional Educators Program is transferred from the BLAC to the Black Educators Association on an interim basis.
January: The Council on African Canadian Education is legislated.
February: The Department of Education and Culture establishes the African Canadian Services Division (ACSD) following Recommendation #2 of the BLAC Report on Education.
October: The Minister of Education and Culture appoints the first slate of members to the Council on African Canadian Education.
First Executive Director is appointed for CACE.
An official induction ceremony is held to formally introduce CACE as part of the African Nova Scotian educational infrastructure.