Mandate of the Minister’s Advisory Council on African Canadian Education 

Promote the rights and interests of African Nova Scotians by providing recommendations to the Minister on programs and services in public schools and on adult education, Education Act, S.139 (3) (a).

CACE Mandate

Governing Statue/Regulations 

Education Act, Schedule A to Chapter 1 of the Acts of 2018, Section 19; Ministerial Education Act Regulations, N.S. Reg. 59/2018 dated April 1, 2018, Sections 38 to 46; and the Council on African-Canadian Education Remuneration and Expenses Regulations, made by Governor in Council by Order in Council 2018-251 dated September 24, 2018. 

Formation Details 

The Black Learners Advisory Committee which was formed in 1990 was eventually elevated to the Council on African Canadian Education, Recommendation #1, BLAC Report (December 1994).    

Meeting Frequency 

At least four times each year plus committee meetings as required. 


A maximum of 17 members including all of the following:

  • not less than 4 nor more than 6 persons recommended by provincial organizations of the African Nova Scotia community including the African United Baptist Association, the Black Educators Association, and the Black Cultural Society; 
  • one person representing the African Nova Scotia community in each of the following geographic regions: 
    • Antigonish/Guysborough; 
    • Cape Breton; 
    • Northern Region (Cumberland/Colchester/Pictou);
    • Valley Region (Kings/Hants/Annapolis);
    • Southwest Nova (Lunenburg/Shelburne/Digby/Yarmouth/Queens);
    • Halifax (including Bedford);
    • Dartmouth;
  • and not less than 4 nor more than 6 members at large representing the African Nova Scotia community.  

Organization Representative – African United Baptist Association (AUBA) 
Organizational Representative - Black Educators Association (BEA) 
Organizational Representative – Black Cultural Society (BCS) 
Regional Representative – Antigonish/Guysborough 
Regional Representative – Cape Breton 
Regional Representative – Northern (Cumberland/Colchester/Pictou) 
Regional Representative – Valley (Kings/Hants/Annapolis) 
Regional Representative – Southwest (Lunenburg/Shelburne/Digby/Yarmouth/Queens) 
Regional Representative – Halifax (including Bedford) 
Regional Representative – Dartmouth 
Six Member at Large Representatives  


Each member of the Council shall be appointed for a term of three years. Members may be reappointed. 

Required Nominations/Recommendations 

Some positions require recommendations by the African United Baptist Association, the Black Educators Association, the Black Cultural Society and Regional Education Committees.