Mandate of the Minister’s Advisory Council on African Canadian Education

Governing Statue/Regulations
Education Act, Schedule A to Chapter 1 of the Acts of 2018, Section 19; Ministerial Education Act Regulations, N.S. Reg. 59/2018 dated April 1, 2018, Sections 38 to 46; and the Council on African-Canadian Education Remuneration and Expenses Regulations, made by Governor in Council by Order in Council 2018-251 dated September 24, 2018.
Formation Details
The Black Learners Advisory Committee which was formed in 1990 was eventually elevated to the Council on African Canadian Education, Recommendation #1, BLAC Report (December 1994).
Meeting Frequency
At least four times each year plus committee meetings as required.
A maximum of 17 members including all of the following:
- not less than 4 nor more than 6 persons recommended by provincial organizations of the African Nova Scotia community including the African United Baptist Association, the Black Educators Association, and the Black Cultural Society;
- one person representing the African Nova Scotia community in each of the following geographic regions:
- Antigonish/Guysborough;
- Cape Breton;
- Northern Region (Cumberland/Colchester/Pictou);
- Valley Region (Kings/Hants/Annapolis);
- Southwest Nova (Lunenburg/Shelburne/Digby/Yarmouth/Queens);
- Halifax (including Bedford);
- Dartmouth;
- and not less than 4 nor more than 6 members at large representing the African Nova Scotia community.
Organization Representative – African United Baptist Association (AUBA)
Organizational Representative - Black Educators Association (BEA)
Organizational Representative – Black Cultural Society (BCS)
Regional Representative – Antigonish/Guysborough
Regional Representative – Cape Breton
Regional Representative – Northern (Cumberland/Colchester/Pictou)
Regional Representative – Valley (Kings/Hants/Annapolis)
Regional Representative – Southwest (Lunenburg/Shelburne/Digby/Yarmouth/Queens)
Regional Representative – Halifax (including Bedford)
Regional Representative – Dartmouth
Six Member at Large Representatives
Each member of the Council shall be appointed for a term of three years. Members may be reappointed.
Required Nominations/Recommendations
Some positions require recommendations by the African United Baptist Association, the Black Educators Association, the Black Cultural Society and Regional Education Committees.