
Distributed Learning

image: students using laptops to complete assignments

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) provides students with a variety of online learning options– in both English and French.

All Nova Scotia Distributed Learning courses use the Nova Scotia Public School Program (PSP) with curriculum and learning outcomes that are identical to those used for in-person classes.

Nova Scotia Virtual School

logo: Nova Scotia Virtual SchoolNova Scotia Virtual School (NSVS) provides online high school courses to students enrolled in and attending public high schools in Nova Scotia.

Students register for NSVS courses through their school as a part of their course timetable, typically through a school counselor.

Students work on the course material independently during their scheduled class time and meet online with their teacher and classmates 1-3 times per week. 

Registration and course timelines follow a standard semester schedule. Schools and Regional Centres for Education (RCEs) provide access to the devices and software students need to take NSVS courses.

You can find more information about the Nova Scotia Virtual School at or through your school counsellor. 


École virtuelle au CSAP

logo: École virtuelle au CSAPÉcole virtuelle au CSAP (ÉVCSAP) provides online high school courses to students enrolled in the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) high schools at the grades 11 and 12 level. These courses are designed for French first language students. This gives students access to a greater choice of courses to meet their needs or interests. Students receive access to the necessary technological equipment required to facilitate their learning.

École virtuelle au CSAP offers two types of programming : synchronous courses (real-time) and asynchronous courses (personalized schedule).

You can find more information about the École virtuelle au CSAP at or through your school counsellor.


Nova Scotia Independent Online Learning

logo: Nova Scotia Independent Online Learning (NSIOL)Nova Scotia Independent Online Learning (NSIOL) is an online study program that allows students enrolled in a Nova Scotia public school to complete some of their high school courses at their own pace, starting at any time in the school year.

Students register for NSIOL courses through their school counselor on the school’s recommendation.

You can find more information about the Nova Scotia Independent Online Learning program at or through your school counsellor.


Nova Scotia Correspondence Study Program

The Nova Scotia Correspondence Study Program (CSP) has officially ended. 

If you previously studied through the Nova Scotia Correspondence Study Program and need a copy of your CSP transcript or Certificate of Completion, contact the Distributed Learning Office using the information below.



For more information on any of these programs, contact the Distributed Learning Office:

Phone: (902) 424-4054


Address: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,
Distributed Learning,
2021 Brunswick St., 4th Floor