The purpose of Ideas for Education is to listen to and empower staff on the front line, who have good ideas that will improve teaching and learning in Nova Scotia.
This initiative helps empower teachers to improve the education system and benefits administrators and staff by supporting their teams to act.

Share your ideas to strengthen Nova Scotia’s public education system!
Ideas should be focused on the school or family of schools’ level.
As the teacher submitting the idea, you will be asked to support implementation if it is selected as a pilot.
In your submission, please provide as much detail as possible on how you would implement this idea, what the objective is, and how you would evaluate success.
Submit your idea here!
We’re working closely with a table of classroom teachers to review submissions throughout the school year.
If your idea is selected to as a pilot, you will receive communication from EECD.
Ideas are currently under review and new pilots for the 2024-25 school year will be announced shortly!
In 2023-24, eight projects were piloted in schools across the province and have now been evaluated, based on advice from teachers and other participants. Results show that all pilots have been very well received and are showing early benefits for students and teachers. The survey showed almost universal support for continuing these pilots, and frequent requests to expand them.
All pilots have been renewed for another year and will use the evaluation results to build on success to date.
Child and Youth Care Practitioners (CYCPs)
CYCPs are trained to provide trauma-informed care, behaviour support and programming for vulnerable students. They were assigned to lower elementary schools where a need was identified. This is being piloted in CCRCE and SSRCE.
Attendance Support Teachers
Dedicated teacher to support students missing a lot of time. This is being piloted in CSAP, HRCE, SRCE, and TCRCE.
Elementary Math Specialists
Elementary math specialists assigned to work with teachers and students to improve student enjoyment and achievement in math and reduce stress for teachers. This is being piloted in all RCEs and CSAP.
Newcomers Support
Social workers supporting newcomer students and families, with particular focus on advice, co-ordination and resources to adapt to school life and support students’ emotional well-being and success. This is being piloted in AVRCE, CBVRCE, and CCRCE.
Teacher Mentors
Experienced teachers mentor new or subject-matter teachers. This is being piloted in all RCEs and CSAP.
Term Substitute Teacher
Substitute teachers hired for a full term to work every day supporting a specific school or family of schools. This is being piloted in all RCEs and CSAP.
Expanding the GuysWork program
GuysWork is a school-based program where young males examine the pressures they feel, and how these pressures can affect their health and the health of their peers. This is being piloted in SRCE.
Forest School
Enabling more students to attend Forest School programs to promote learning and connections to nature through outdoor play and hands-on activities. This is being piloted in CCRCE.