
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the tools used to create, store, retrieve, and disseminate information: data and information systems; networks; interactive telecommunications systems; curriculum software and apps; and some forms of assistive technology.

ICT also includes tools such as calculators and mobile devices, as well as audio and video recordings and broadcasts, still images, and projections.
ICT is integrated within inclusive classrooms, where a wide variety of learning experiences ensures that all learners have equitable opportunities to reach their potential.

Students learn to use technology to be productive, problem-solve, carry out research, inquire, innovate, create, inform, and communicate. While there is no substitute for good teaching, technology engages students and helps them acquire skills not afforded by more traditional paper-and-pencil methods. For some students, technology is their gateway to understanding; for others, it can extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. For all students, technology is involved in how they interact with the world around them.

In designing ICT-integrated learning experiences for all students, teachers consider the students’ learning needs, preferences, and strengths, as well as their experiences, interests, and the values they bring to the classroom.

Teachers promote social, cultural, racial, and gender equity when they encourage students to critically examine the texts, contexts, and environments they encounter in the classroom, in the community, and in the media. The integration of ICT within the learning program supports this approach. All users of technology in our schools have the responsibility to use technology in ethical and appropriate ways, as outlined in the Provincial School Network Access and Use Policy.

The integration of ICT within the learning program helps students acquire the skills that are needed in a highly technological knowledge-based economy.

This integration happens across the curriculum. By helping students use technology in ethical, productive, and meaningful ways teachers assist them to develop appropriate competencies. ICT best improves learning when it is accessible, flexible, responsive, participatory, and integrated thoroughly. Effective technology integration has the power to transform teaching and learning and assist all students to be successful learners.