Out with the Old and In with the New-To-You!

What: Bring Clean Gently Used Children’s Clothing (all sizes  accepted, but please make sure it is in good shape – no broken zippers or holes) Take New-To-You Stuff, FREE!!! You don’t have to bring something to take something, but don’t forget to bring a reusable bag!

When: November 9th

Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Where: Riverside Education Centre Cafeteria

* Clothing Drop off: November 6th and 8th from 2:30-4:00pm *

** If you're interested in volouteering contact Anneliese MacPherson at (902) 478-7917 or at macphersona@ccrce.ca**
Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education
New Date: 
9 nov 2019
In Person or Online?: 
in person